APACHE, OKLAHOMA -- His footsteps are carefully numbered, even walking through his gardens and greenhouses. Jag Sodhi has written 8 text books on math and computers. He's traveled the world, from New Delhi, India to Apache, Oklahoma, and all parts in between. So why does he feel like his life is just now beginning to bloom? The answer comes out in these purple buds. "The best part now is the smell," he says of his many thriving Lavender plants. "That keeps me healthy and happy." Ten years ago a student of Jag's told him it would be impossible to successfully grow Lavender on his place west of town. Never one to back away from a challenge, he read up on the subject and started planting. On a walk through his gardens he points out, "This Lavender plant has been here 10 years." Through a lot of experimentation he proved that Lavender could indeed grow, and not just one variety. "Is it part of your nature to take someone up on a challenge like that?" asks a visitor. Sodhi answers, "I think, now when I flash back, that you are right. I think, all my life, that I did take the challenge." "So we are God blessed in Oklahoma. We are the only only ones growing 10 different types." He's not Apache Indian. He's an Indian from Apache. He's an Oklahoma farmer, but he doesn't care much for wheat. What you get at Lavender Valley Acres is a particular kind of genius that's flowering where no one expected it. "I am very happy," he says. "As you can see or smell. It is beautiful to come in the morning and walk in the garden and watch the peacocks. It is enjoyable." From challenge to flower all in one spot. On Saturday, June 14th Lavender Valley Acres will host its 10th annual Lavender Festival. The Sodhi's make savory dishes from Lavender as well as Lavender cookies. The gift shop will sell Lavender oil and hydrosol made on his farm.